Running on Treadmill vs Outside: What Works Best for You

By Sportslife Zone | Home Treadmill Advice

Jan 16
Running on Treadmill vs Outside: What Works Best for You
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Physical exercise like running is beneficial to one’s health. It is good cardio exercise and helps you lose weight fast. However, there’s an ongoing debate with running on treadmill vs outside. Fitness buffs and runners have varying opinions on this matter.

Take a look at the advantages of running on a treadmill as well as running outdoors. Get to know the benefits of each one and decide for yourself what works best for you.

Running on Treadmill vs Outside: The Comparison

Running with the use of a treadmill

  • You don’t have to worry about the weather.

You can stay fit and run as much as you want regardless of the weather as treadmills allow you to workout in the comfort of your home or in the gym. You don’t have to worry about sunburn or getting wet in the rain which makes running on a treadmill very convenient.

  • You are less prone to injury.

A treadmill has a red safety clip to prevent an accident or fall.  It keeps you safe while you sweat it out. This is not the case when you opt to run outside, of course. There is always the risk of being hit by a speeding car, getting sun damaged, and earning ankle injury because of uneven ground.

  • It is efficient and easy to manipulate.

The treadmill is easy to operate which makes running an enjoyable exercise. You are in total control, and it is up to you to adjust the speed and intensity of your treadmill workout.  It is also efficient since you can enjoy your running routine with no interruption compared to running outdoors.

  • It is a low impact exercise.

The treadmill, especially the slat belt ones, bring more cushion for the joints of the ankles, knees, and hips. Treadmill runners also tend to have lower stride lengths but higher stride rates resulting in less impact on joints.

  • It helps you burn more calories.

Using the treadmill for running is an enjoyable routine. It is now being used as part of interval training. As a result, runners and fitness buffs tend to give more focus to the workout allowing them to burn more calories. On the other hand, running outdoors can also help you burn calories since weather conditions can push the body to work harder.

  • You can easily seek help. 

Running on a treadmill allows you to get help immediately. Since you are in a gym, there are always gym staff and fitness trainers to assist you should you suffer an injury or fall from the treadmill. This is not always the case if you’re running outside especially if you are in an isolated area.

Running outdoors

  • You will be able to adapt to outdoor circumstances.

Running outdoors is a challenging fitness routine. You have to adjust to weather conditions and the terrain, allowing you to become more adaptable. It also lets your body do unexpected physical changes like maneuvering over people and other types of hindrances in your outdoor run. Aside from being able to adapt physically, it also allows you to be mentally adaptable.

  • It has mental benefits.

Running outside, either in an open area or over meadows and hills, gives you an all-time high. It boosts your energy and causes anxiety levels to drop. You experience a better state of mind if you’re running outside and taking in fresh air and sunshine. This is not entirely the case when you’re running on a treadmill since you are confined inside a gym or your home.

  • You have better bone growth.

Running on harder surfaces poses a challenge to your physical body but encourages good bone growth. This is not the case when running on a treadmill since it has a softer surface and lower impact on connective tissues and bones.

  • It strengthens your hamstrings and lateral muscles.

Runners who do the exercise outside encounter various challenges like an uneven or uphill terrain.  This allows your lateral muscles and hamstrings to work harder.  As a result, these body parts become stronger and durable.

  • You can still have a low impact exercise.

While running on a treadmill is a low impact exercise, you can still benefit from a low impact exercise by running outdoors. Opt to run on the beach, in a grassy area or on a dirt trail. These areas reduce the impact as compared to a concrete road, and you can yield the benefits of a good running workout.

Running on treadmill vs outside can become redundant and boring. You have to be creative and be able to do variations on your treadmill routine. This will keep you motivated.

Four Workouts to Burn Tons of Calories

Here are four workouts to make your fitness routine more challenging while burning tons of calories:

  • Pace booster

You have to jog and walk alternately for 30 seconds each. Next, increase speed by running for 30 seconds and walking for 30 seconds. Then, gradually increase the speed, and do as many cycles as you can manage.

  • Distance run

First, you have to increase your speed then run for two minutes. Next, walk for one minute and repeat this routine at least three times. Then, run for three minutes and walk for one minute and repeat this for at least three times.

  • The Fast 15

You have to jog for three minutes then increase the pace and hold for two minutes. Next, walk for 30 seconds and repeat the entire sequence. Then, run for 3 minutes, walk for 30 seconds, repeat and cool down with a brief walk.

  • Hill Climb

Run for three minutes and gradually increase the speed. Next, raise the incline to two percent for a minute and then four percent for another minute. Then, lower the incline, rest for a minute and raise the incline to four percent and run for two minutes. Alternately do jogging and running on an incline for as long as you can handle.

Final Thoughts

Running has always been a popular form of physical exercise for everyone. It’s a no-fuss form of fitness routine, and you can choose whether to use aerobic machines like a treadmill or just run outdoors. Both have essential benefits and whatever you choose is definitely a win-win situation for you.

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